

  1. Speech production RT-MRI at 0.55 Tesla Y Lim, P Kumar, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2023 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]
  2. Real-time MRI of the moving wrist at 0.55 Tesla AJ Chaudhari, Y Lim, SX Cui, CO Bayne, RM Szabo, RD Boutin, and KS Nayak British Journal of Radiology, 2023 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]
  3. Contrast-optimal simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) bSSFP cine cardiac imaging at 0.55 Tesla Y Tian, SX Cui, Y Lim, NG Lee, Z Zhao, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2023 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]


  1. Evaluation of a Novel 8-Channel RX Coil for Speech Production MRI at 0.55 T F Munoz, Y Lim, SX Cui, H Stark, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine (MAGMA), 2022 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]
  2. MaxGIRF: Image Reconstruction Incorporating Concomitant Field and Gradient Impulse Response Function Effects NG Lee, R Ramasawmy, Y Lim, AE Campbell-Washburn, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF] [Code]
  3. Real-time magnetic resonance imaging KS Nayak, Y Lim, A Campbell-Washburn, and J Steeden Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2022 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]


  1. A multispeaker dataset of raw and reconstructed speech production real-time MRI video and 3D volumetric images Y Lim*, A Toutios*, Y Bliesener, Y Tian, SG Lingala, C Vaz, T Sorensen, M Oh, S Harper, W Chen, L Lee, J Töger, ML Montesserin, C Smith, B Godinez, L Goldstein, D Byrd, KS Nayak, and Narayanan SS Scientific Data, 2021 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF] [Code] [Data]
  2. Aliasing artifact reduction in spiral real-time MRI Y Tian, Y Lim, Z Zhao, D Byrd, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF] [Code]
  3. Improved 3D real-time MRI of speech production Z Zhao*, Y Lim*, D Byrd, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF] [Code]


  1. Deblurring for spiral real-time MRI using convolutional neural networks Y Lim, Y Bliesener, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2020 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]


  1. 3D dynamic MRI of the vocal tract during natural speech Y Lim, Y Zhu, SG Lingala, D Byrd, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2019 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]
  2. Dynamic off-resonance correction for spiral real-time MRI of speech Y Lim, SG Lingala, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2019 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF] [Code]


  1. Feasibility of through-time spiral generalized autocalibrating partial parallel acquisition for low latency accelerated real-time MRI of speech SG Lingala, Y Zhu, Y Lim, A Toutios, Y Ji, WC Lo, N Seiberlich, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]


  1. Sliding time of flight: Sliding time of flight MR angiography using a dynamic image reconstruction method J Choi, H Seo, Y Lim, Y Han, and HW Park Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2015 [Abstract] [JRNL] [PDF]

*: Equal contribution



  1. Real-time MRI of the moving wrist at 0.55 Tesla AJ Chaudhari, Y Lim, SX Cui, RM Szabo, RD Boutin, and KS Nayak Proc. Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, Feb 4-8, Tampa, 2022
  2. Real-time MRI of speech production at 0.55 Tesla Y Lim, and KS Nayak 30th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2022
  3. Feasibility of real-time MRI of the actively moving wrist at 0.55 Tesla Y Lim, SX Cui, RM Szabo, R Boutin, AJ Chudhari, and KS Nayak 30th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2022
  4. Evaluation of a Novel 8-Channel Receive Coil for Speech Production MRI at 0.55 Tesla F Muñoz, Y Lim, SX Cui, H Stark, and KS Nayak 30th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2022
  5. Low Latency Real-Time MRI at 0.55T using Self-Calibrating Through-Time GRAPPA P Kumar, Y Lim, and KS Nayak 30th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2022
  6. High-Performance 0.55T Supports Contrast-Optimal SMS bSSFP Cardiac Imaging Y Tian, SX Cui, Y Lim, NG Lee, Z Zhao, and KS Nayak 30th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2022
  7. Low Latency Real-time MRI at 0.55T using Self-Calibrating Through-Time GRAPPA P Kumar, Y Lim, and KS Nayak ISMRM Workshop on Low Field MRI, Virtual, March, 2022
  8. Evaluation of a Novel 8-Channel RX coil for Speech Production MRI at 0.55T F Munoz, Y Lim, SX Cui, H Stark, and KS Nayak ISMRM Workshop on Low Field MRI, Virtual, March, 2022
  9. High-Performance 0.55T Supports Contrast-Optimal SMS bSSFP Cardiac CINE Imaging Y Tian, SX Cui, Y Lim, NG Lee, Z Zhao, and KS Nayak ISMRM Workshop on Low Field MRI, Virtual, March, 2022
  10. Real-Time Water Fat Imaging at 0.55T with Spiral Out-In-Out-In Sampling Y Tian, Y Lim, and KS Nayak ISMRM Workshop on Low Field MRI, Virtual, March, 2022
  11. Real-Time Water Fat Imaging at 0.55T with Spiral Out-In-Out-In Sampling Y Tian, Y Lim, and KS Nayak 30th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2022


  1. An open dataset for speech production real-time MRI: Raw data, synchronized audio, and images Y Lim, A Toutios, Y Bliesener, Y Tian, KS Nayak, and S Narayanan Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2021 [Talk]
  2. Feasibility of super resolution reconstruction in speech RT-MRI P Kumar, Y Lim, and KS Nayak Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2021
  3. Aliasing artifact reduction in spiral real-time MRI Y Tian, Y Lim, Z Zhao, D Byrd, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2021


  1. Attention-gated convolutional neural networks for off-resonance correction of spiral real-time MRI Y Lim, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 28th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2020 [HTML] [PDF] [Slides] [Talk]
  2. Improved 3D real-time MRI with Stack-of-Spiral (SOSP) trajectory and variable density randomized encoding of speech production Z Zhao, Y Lim, D Byrd, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 28th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2020 [HTML] [Talk]
  3. Deblurring for spiral real-time MRI using convolutional neural networks Y Lim, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2020 [arXiv] [PDF] [Slides] [Talk]
  4. Improved 3D real-time MRI with Stack-of-Spiral (SOSP) trajectory and variable density randomized encoding of speech production Z Zhao, Y Lim, D Byrd, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Sedona, Arizona, 2020 [PDF]


  1. Calibrationless deblurring of spiral RT-MRI of speech production using convolutional neural networks Y Lim, Y Bliesener, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 27th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2019 [HTML] [Slides]
  2. Improved spiral dynamic MRI of vocal tract shaping at 3 Tesla using dynamic off resonance artifact correction SG Lingala, Y Lim, S Kruger, and KS Nayak 27th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2019 [HTML]
  3. Low-latency reconstruction for real-time speech MRI S Sudhakara, Y Lim, W Chen, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 27th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2019 [HTML]


  1. 3D real-time MRI of vocal tract shaping Y Lim, Y Zhu, SG Lingala, DS Byrd, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 26th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2018 [HTML] [Slides]
  2. Comparison of leading reconstruction techniques for real-time speech MRI W Chen, Y Lim, Y Bliesener, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 26th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2018 [HTML]


  1. Correction of dynamic off-resonance in spiral 2D real-time MRI of speech Y Lim, SG Lingala, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 25th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017 [HTML] [Slides]
  2. Task-based optimization of regularization in highly accelerated speech RT-MRI J Chen, SG Lingala, Y Lim, S Toutios, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak 25th Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2017 [HTML]


  1. Improved depiction of tissue boundaries in vocal tract real-time MRI using automatic off-resonance correction Y Lim, SG Lingala, S Toutios, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Interspeech, 2016 [PDF] [Slides]
  2. State of the art MRI protocol for comprehensive assessment of vocal tract structure and function SG Lingala, S Toutios, J Toger, Y Lim, Y Zhu, YC Kim, C Vaz, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Interspeech, 2016 [PDF]
  3. Sensitivity of quantitative RT-MRI metrics of vocal tract dynamics to image reconstruction settings J Toger, Y Lim, SG Lingala, S Narayanan, and KS Nayak Interspeech, 2016 [PDF] [Slides]


  1. A robust data acquisition method for reduced respiratory motion artifact in free-breathing image Y Lim, Y Han, and HW Park 22nd Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Scientific Sessions, 2014 [PDF]


  1. 3-D reconstruction using the Kinect sensor and its application to a visualization system Y Lim, H Lee, N Yang, and R Park IEEE Int. Conf. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2012 [PDF]